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Colorado Death Records:

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Total Record(s) Found: 26

Choose Colorado as the "Issue" state, and enter "CO" in the state field ,for the last residence or the last benefit. Do this to find the Social Security death index for Colorado deaths.
You can search Alamosa County, the State of Colorado Resource page, for Alamosa County deaths that were from 1897 to 1909.
You can search the Alamosa County, State of Colorado Resource page, for Alamosa County deaths that were from 1910 to 1923.
Browse this RootsWeb database by name for Columbia Cemetery, Boulder, State of Colorado burials.
Browse the databaseto look for obituaries in Boulder County, State of Colorado. You can search by their name and the year of their death. You can look at selected records (as contributed).
Provided by the Chaffee County, State of Colorado Sheriff's Office, you can look at the list of cold cases, with information including photo, crime date, crime location, and any other available details.
You can search the Evergreen Cemetery records from Deer Trail, State of Colorado by surname. These cemetery records provides name, date of birth, and death year.
Click on "Death Certs" in the category field, to search the Delta County, State of Colorado Clerk's Office service. You can look for death certificates by name or date.
You can search for names of those who were buried in Fort Logan National Cemetery. You can find their date of birth, death, and burial, residence, rank and branch of service, and their burial plots.
You can look at the Denver Public Library Obituary Index, and search by year and name.
Look through the Denver Public Library Obituary Index by year and name. You can search for obituaries in the Denver, State of Colorado Area.
Search the links to find Dolores County, State of Colorado cemetery records. You can browse Cahone, Dove Creek, Peele, Nash, and Rico Cemeteries.
You can look for the burial records from the Evans Cemetery in Evans, State of Colorado. Browse in PDF format.
You can search the obituary database. Look for obituries by name. You can also look in Huerfano County, Pueblo County, Las Animas County, in the State of Colorado.
You can browse the database for obituaries in Jefferson County, State of Colorado. You can search for by name and the year of death. You can also view selected records. (as contributed).
You can easily search the State of Colorado State Archives. Then you can browse by name, for all death reports in Kit Carson County, State of Colorado. Look from 1893 to 1907.
You can use the Iowa County Cemetery Project, so you can find burial records for Galatea, France-Harker and Walter Scott cemeteries. Select the cemetery you want to search, and then choose "Start Exhibit", so you can find the information.
You can search the obituary database. Browse by name for obituries from Huerfano County, Pueblo County, and Las Animas County, in the State of Colorado.
You can use the RootsWeb database, to look for State of Colorado burials by name for Lyons Cemetery.
You can search the Highland Cemetery burial records, in New Castle, the State of Colorado. Obituary records may also be available.
Click on "Clerk & Recorder Reception Search", to browse the Pitkin County, State of Colorado Clerk and Recorder's database, for all death records.
You can search the obituary database. Browse by the names for obituries from Pueblo County, Huerfano County, and Las Animas County, from the State of Colorado.
You can look for Pueblo City-County Library District. Search by name and the year of death for Pueblo County, from the State of Colorado obituaries.
Search for Sterling Cemetery records for deaths and for burials. Look for Riverside cemetery records by the name of the deceased, in the State of Colorado.
Choose "Death Certificate" in the "Document Code" menu. Then you can browse the Weld County, State of Colorado Clerk and Recorder database. You can search for death certificates from Weld County, State of Colorado
You can find out how to get access to birth records, death certificates, marriage certificates, and divorce certificates in the State of Colorado.