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Total Record(s) Found: 8
Browse this RootsWeb database by name for Columbia Cemetery, Boulder, State of Colorado burials.
You can search the Evergreen Cemetery records from Deer Trail, State of Colorado by surname. These cemetery records provides name, date of birth, and death year.
You can search for names of those who were buried in Fort Logan National Cemetery. You can find their date of birth, death, and burial, residence, rank and branch of service, and their burial plots.
Search the links to find Dolores County, State of Colorado cemetery records. You can browse Cahone, Dove Creek, Peele, Nash, and Rico Cemeteries.
You can look for the burial records from the Evans Cemetery in Evans, State of Colorado. Browse in PDF format.
You can use the Iowa County Cemetery Project, so you can find burial records for Galatea, France-Harker and Walter Scott cemeteries. Select the cemetery you want to search, and then choose "Start Exhibit", so you can find the information.
You can use the RootsWeb database, to look for State of Colorado burials by name for Lyons Cemetery.
Search for Sterling Cemetery records for deaths and for burials. Look for Riverside cemetery records by the name of the deceased, in the State of Colorado.