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Select "Records Search" in the left-hand column to find the Sedgwick County, State of Colorado Assessor's records for property information. You can also search by owner name, parcel number, or address. Advanced search features can be available, but only for a fee.
Select "Records Search" in the left-hand column. Then browse the State of Washington County, State of Colorado Assessor's records for property information. You can easily search by owner name, parcel number, or address. For a fee, an advanced search feature is also available.
Provided by the State of Washington County, State of Colorado Assessor's Office. Then click on "Search Records" then "Sales Search" to browse for property sales information. You should also begin searching for subdivision, or neighborhood codes, date range, price range, and square footage.
Look for property records in Summit County, State of Colorado. You can search by parcel number, street address, property description, owners last name, schedule number, or PPI number. You can also look at or review interactive GIS maps.
You can browse the Summit County, State of Colorado property tax database. You can easily search the database by name, address, or schedule number. You can also pay your taxes online.
You can browse for property records in Teller County, State of Colorad. Look for by the owners name, physical address, account number, or a legal description.
Search the Weld County, State of Colorado Assessor’s office database for improved property sales information. Search by sales date, price range, parcel #, property type, city or year built between.
Search the Weld County, State of Colorado Treasurer's records for property tax information by name, account number, parcel number, address, street type, and/or city.
Search this Weld County, State of Colorado Assessor’s office database for property information on vacant land sales by date, acreage, parcel or land type.
Search for property records in Weld County, State of Colorado by last name, parcel number, account number, township/range, situs address, or subdivision and view interactive GIS maps.
Browse the Weld County Assessors office database. Look for property cards (old style), that are current through 2002.
Choose "Records Search" in the left-hand column, to look for the Yuma County, State of Colorado Assessor's records for property information. You can search by owner name, parcel number, or address. For a fee, an advanced search feature is also available.
You can use the service provided by the Yuma County, State of Colorado Treasurer's office. You can browse this service to locate your property tax information. Search by name, address, and schedule number. You can also pay your taxes online.

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